* What are online yoga classes like?
As we all start to find a new pattern in our lives we have been exploring running yoga classes online. It works surprisingly well and is a fun way of doing a guided yoga class while feeling connected to other people. It really is a great way of bringing yoga into your home life for health and to lift your mood.
* Regular bookable classes available now
The first free online classes we ran were very popular and people appreciated the chance to do yoga at home. We have now launched a regular timetable and you can book your place from the timetable page on our website. We have included two free classes in our timetable which we hope will help make classes available to people who are struggling financially.
* What you need to get started
You will need a computer/laptop/tablet and a yoga mat - with enough space around you to practice safely. All other props can be improvised; when BKS Iyengar first invented props he started using the things he found around him - real bricks, luggage straps ... even a bar of soap to open the chest in seated poses ... all inspired him to improve his practice. So we can follow suit!
We will let you know the sort of props you might need to have to hand (or to creatively improvise) when you sign up for a class.
You will also need to download Zoom conferencing app - although there is a strong possibility you are using it already! It is free and easy to download and use. More information will be sent to you if you are new to Zoom.