Restorative yoga classes are for everyone - helping us deal with day to day stresses and tiredness and maintain a rested mind and body. Attending a restorative class will help you feel calm and deeply rested.
Setu bhanda sarvangasana (bridge pose) supported on cross bolsters
Viparita Karani (inverted flow pose) legs at wall supported by two small bolsters
Iyengar yoga is very varied in its approach; incorporating at different times fast paced work, intensification of poses using props like ropes and chairs, long holds in poses and a detailed focus on alignment and precise use and positioning of muscles in poses, as well as deeper levels of practice with a more internal focus such as Pranayama.
Iyengar restorative yoga is a special type of class that uses carefully positioned yoga props to support the body in poses which can then be held without effort for longer periods of time to experience the physical and mental benefits of yoga poses at a deeper level.
Our restorative classes
In January we are starting a new mid-week restorative and introduction to Pranayama (yoga breathing) class on Wednesdays which will be a very peaceful class. We also run a regular Saturday afternoon restorative class. See our timetable and workshop pages for more information.
What are the benefits of restorative yoga?
Restorative practices are based on the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar. They are very therapeutic; extension and expansion of the body broadens the diaphragm and oxygenated blood supply can bathe and purify the organic body (digestive, excretory, glandular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory and circulatory systems). An improved circulation improves elimination of cell impurities according to Geeta Iyengar.
Once you become familiar with restorative sequences they become a touchstone in your life helping you cope in a quiet and soothing way with both day to day stresses and times of illness or tiredness.
A properly balanced yoga practice should include a regular restorative practice alongside more energetic practice.
What is involved in a restorative yoga class?
A restorative yoga sequence typically involves only five or six poses, supported by props that allow you to completely relax and rest. Held for five minutes or more, restorative poses can include seated forward bends, supported supine poses, backbends, inversions and gentle twists.
Pranayama involves learning the very subtle skill of yoga breathing which adds a deeper level of quietness to a restorative practice.
At IYISL our restorative classes are taught by experienced teachers using our wide range of yoga props. The teachers are able to adjust and tailor the use of props to suit the flexibility and proportions of individuals, taking in considerations any difficulties or injuries. The correct alignment and support allows students to become quiet - withdrawing the senses of perception and moving towards an inner quietness which is the source of the restorative experience in these classes.